Learn about Botmaker's new integration with Google ads for WhatsApp click campaigns.
With the new Google Ads integration, you can connect your Google Ads account with Botmaker to report conversions and events in your chats. This feature is available for click to WhatsApp ads from Google that are viewed from mobile devices. This will allow you to optimize the ads and their targets, providing information on their metrics so that they perform better and better.
Botmaker Sessions - Click to whatsapp
Before performing the integration, you must take into account that you must have a Google Ads account and the Google Ads API active.
To verify that you have the API active, go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/googleads.googleapis.com
In order to use this functionality you must integrate an advertising account with Botmaker.
To do this, you must go to integrations and choose Google Ads:
The next step is to choose an active Google Ads account. This will generate a dataset connected to Botmaker, to report conversion events.
To finish the configuration, you will need to copy the link that appears on the screen (each link for each user will be different, since it changes according to their businessID) and then paste it into the Google Ads platform.
Paste the link in the “Conversion import URL” field for the integration to work.
Go to the “Campaigns” menu and then to the “Ads” submenu.
Enter the Ad you want to add the integration.
Once inside, scroll through the menu on the left until you find the “More Asset Types” menu.
Once inside, go to “Messages” and click on “Edit”.
Click once again on the pencil to edit in the column “1 Message”.
Once inside, go to the “Conversion import URL” field and paste the link you copied from the Botmaker page (in your integration process).
Conversions in the Bot
Within the BotDesigner or bot designer, each “User Input” or “Actions” block may have conversion events.
When you open one of these blocks, a new tab is displayed to indicate events.
In the block that symbolizes the event you want to measure, you can turn on the integration and configure it.
You can configure the conditions that must be met to send the event, the name and the variables that accompany its measurement.