Updated: 8/9/2024

How to integrate Microsoft Teams with Botmaker?

In this article, you will learn how to integrate Microsoft Teams into the Botmaker platform.

In this article, you will learn how to integrate Microsoft Teams into the Botmaker platform.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform. It combines chat and video conferencing capabilities with file storage and collaborative work, as well as app integration. Native integration on the Botmaker platform allows you to:

  • Enhance team work and communication.
  • Create different bots for specific use cases.

How to integrate?

To integrate, go to Menu > Settings > Channels (https://go.botmaker.com/#/integrations/channels) and select Microsoft Teams.

Then click "Connect" to start the integration tutorial. You will see the following screen, where you should click "Start."

Remember, to connect a bot to Microsoft Teams, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have a Microsoft Teams license and be an account administrator.
  • Have the Microsoft Authenticator app downloaded on your mobile phone. You'll need it to authenticate your Microsoft Teams account.
  • Create an application from within Microsoft Teams. Applications connect Teams with any other software you use, such as Botmaker, for example.

Step 1: Enable Custom Apps

To enable custom apps, go to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com. After logging in, navigate to Teams Apps > Setup Policies.

Under Manage policies, select Global and Upload custom apps moving the button to the ON position, as shown in the image.

Then click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Note: After completing each step of the tutorial, click Next to proceed with the integration.

Step 2: Create an Application

To create a Teams application, log in to your Teams account through the Teams app. Then, navigate to the Apps section from the sidebar. Use the search function to find the Developer Portal app. Download or open it.

Next, open the Developer Portal app, click on "Apps," and then click on "Create a new app" or "+ New App" if you already have other apps created. Choose a name and click to add it.

Step 3: Complete Your Application Details

In the "App details" section, you will need to complete a series of steps with data about your app:

  • Descriptions: Fill in the required fields marked with *
  • Developer Information: Complete the required fields marked with *.
  • App URLs: Fill in the required fields marked with * (make sure to include https:// in the URL).
  • You do not need to complete the Application ID (Client ID)* field.

Once everything is filled out, click Save.

  • Next, go to Setup/Branding in the sidebar and upload the requested images.

Step 4: Create Your Bot

Continue the interaction by following these steps:

  • Go to Tools, click on Bot management and then select Create your first bot or + New Bot if you have already created other chatbots. Enter a name for your bot and click to add it.

Note: Once the bot is created, you will see its name and ID. Copy both pieces of information and paste them into a notepad, as you will need them for the last step.

  • Enter the bot you created. In the Configure section, complete the Bot Endpoint Address field by pasting the following address: https://go.botmaker.com/rest/msbotfwk After pasting, click Save.

Paso 5: Obtenga el secreto de su cliente

En la barra lateral, vaya a Secreto del cliente y haga clic en Add a client secret for your bot ,verás un código. Cópialo y pégalo en un bloc de notas, porque lo necesitarás en el paso final.

Step 5: Obtain Your Client Secret

In the sidebar, navigate to "Client secrets" and click on Add a client secret for your bot , You will see a code generated. Copy it and paste it into a notepad, as you will need it for the final step.

Step 6: Configure Your Bot

Return to the Apps tab and select your application. Go to Configure/App features, then select the Bot feature.

In Identify your bot, choose:

  • Select an existing bot and search for your bot in the list.

Under What can your bot do? select:

  • Upload and download files.

In Select the scopes in which people can use this command, choose:

  • Personal
  • Teams

Then click Save.

Step 7: Publish Your Bot

You can publish your bot through the app or the site by following the steps below:

On the screen that opens, you will see an app pending approval. Look for it by the name you gave it in the list below. Click on the application.

  • A pop-up window will appear. Verify if the selected application is correct. Copy the App ID shown in the details.

Note: Copy and paste the number shown, as you will need it in the final step.

Then click the Publish button, and when the confirmation message appears, click Publish again.

Step 8: Grant Permissions to the Bot

To grant permissions to the bot, you need to log in to the Azure Portal using this link: https://aad.portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/~/RegisteredApps

Once logged in to Azure, select your application.

Navigate to Manage/API permissions and click on +Add a permission.

Choose Microsoft Graph API and select Application permissions. Here, you need to individually search for and add the following permissions:

  • User.Read.All
  • TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser.All
  • Chat.ReadBasic.All

Finally, select the option:

  • doneGrant admin consent for Botmaker

Step 9: Integrate with Botmaker

Paste the data you copied into your notepad from the previous steps:

  • Bot name
  • Bot ID
  • Client secret
  • App ID

Finally, click on + Connect Microsoft Teams.

To view the integration details of your connected Teams, go to https://go.botmaker.com/#/integrations/channels, select Microsoft Teams, and click Configure.

Done! You have integrated MS Teams with Botmaker to enhance team collaboration and communication! Remember to visit our Help Center for more information.

Written by: Botmaker Team

Updated: 07/01/2024