Updated: 11/13/2024

What is the mailbot designer like?

In this article you will learn about the different features of the Mailbots designer

The Mailbot designer has a channel-specific setting.

The main change in Mailbots is the beginning of the flow. The Mailbot flow starts when an email is received. There is no possibility to design a flow from a sent email.

Within the flow, the text blocks are large so that you can better preview the emails within them.

On the left side of the screen is the toolbar with the main tools for designing Mailbot.

Identity and preferences:

The main settings of the Bot are found here. If you have the version with Generative Artificial Intelligence, you can also configure the identity of the bot.

Content base:

It allows the uploading of files or web pages to feed knowledge to the sections that have Generative Artificial Intelligence within the bot.

Code Actions:

Redirects to the management and creation of code actions within the bot.

Variables and constants:

Redirects to the management and creation of variables and constants within the bot.