Updated: 8/26/2024

What is the Knowledge Base of the Botmaker platform?

In this article, we will detail the functionality of the Knowledge Base, through which chatbots can be trained with information from various sources such as web pages, documents, and previous conversation logs. This allows chatbots to have greater knowledge and understanding of topics relevant to the company, enabling them to respond more accurately and appropriately to customer inquiries.

Estimated reading time: 06 minutes

Features of the functionality

The Knowledge Base allows users to upload a large amount of content to the platform. This content can be utilized by chatbots in their responses and by Co-pilot in suggestions made to agents. The content base can be updated through websites, documents in PDF/DOC/XLSX formats, as well as unstructured content entered in a text field.

This document details the features and actions that users can perform for each chatbot.

Using the Knowledge Base

Users can use the Knowledge Base to provide answers to users using previously uploaded content from various sources. This eliminates the need to manually input content through user input in natural language within the Bot Designer. The Bot Designer can be used to create flows involving transactions (such as purchasing products or asking complex questions to agents in real-time), and to have queries about content answered using the Knowledge Base. This approach significantly reduces bot size and development time.

Chatbot actions

You can perform the following actions for each chatbot:

  • Specify which Knowledge Bases the chatbot can consult.
  • Provide instructions on how the chatbot should respond when generating responses linked to the Knowledge Base (e.g., asking it to use emojis or respond in multiple paragraphs).
  • Specify which areas are outside its domain and on which it should not respond.

How to access the Knowledge Base?

From the Home section of the platform: From the Home page (https://go.botmaker.com/#/home), you can access the Knowledge Base section to upload content to the platform.

You will see the following screen:

By clicking on the "+ New Knowledge Base" button, you can upload content in website format, PDFs/DOC/XLSX, or text.

You can also view and manage previously uploaded Knowledge Bases and search for created bases using the search bar.

Knowledge Base Content (Knowledge Base): website. By clicking + New Knowledge Base, select Site.

You can leave the site selected so that the Knowledge Base functionality searches all content related to this specific site through its domain. That is, if you select the option to include only one page from a site, a chatbot or a database dedicated to only the page specified in the URL will be created.

Then, by clicking Confirm, a new base focused on obtaining the content necessary to generate the knowledge needed for the bot to respond will be created. Note that the creation of Knowledge Bases has an associated cost. Therefore, you will see a message about it before confirming the action.

After clicking View examples, Retrain, and Archive, you can edit the configuration of the selected base and also archive it if updating the information is necessary.

Using the Knowledge Base within a chatbot

Go to the Bot Designer section (Menu > Chatbots) on the platform and click on the Knowledge Base icon.


It is possible to configure the content that is part of that bot.

Similarly, through the Home section, you can also configure the content as follows:

  • Specify which Knowledge Bases this bot can consult;
  • Indicate how the bot should respond when generating responses obtained from the Knowledge Base (asking to use emojis or respond in multiple paragraphs, for example);
  • Specify which areas are outside its domain and on which areas it should not respond.

Knowledge Base Content

In this section, you can select the type of content you want your chatbot to use when generating responses:

  • Website
  • Document
  • Content snippet

Website: By selecting this option, you will find a list of active sites and bots with their respective Knowledge Bases generated from the Home section. By selecting Save, this base will be saved and you can see it along with previously created bases.

Document: In this section, you will find documents loaded in the bot for you to use in your responses. You can select a file and click the downward arrow to download and edit its content to always be updated (making modifications such as pricing or stock items, for example).

Content snippet: These are short texts that can be copied from an external source and serve as a shortcut to avoid creating a document. They are analyzed with generative technologies to extract information used to respond to messages.

Content about chatbot identity

In this section, you can define instructions for your chatbot. This way, generated responses will be constructed according to the instructions provided.

By clicking the "+" button in the instruction box on the right side of the screen, you can add more instructions to define the chatbot's identity. Select Save to save these settings.

Content about what not to respond

In this section, you can add, edit, or delete topics outside your chatbot's domain, as well as select which topics you want the bot to consider when generating responses.

What is the cost of the Knowledge Base?

The cost is determined by the use of generative tools and is approximately R$ 0.08 per 100 words. This cost will depend on the number of words in the data source.

The processing of the Botmaker engine, used to analyze information from the website, document, or snippet you uploaded to the Knowledge Base, has no cost.

Charges vary by stage:

  • Training phase (https://go.botmaker.com/#/knowledgeBase):
    • When uploading a website, document, or text snippet, we use AI tools to process and extract relevant information from the Knowledge Base. This processing has an associated cost that depends on the words in the Knowledge Base and is approximately 2 to 3 times the number of words in the content. That is, a document of 100 words will have an approximate cost between 200 and 300 processed words. We store this information for use in the bots to which you associate these bases.
  • Bot execution phase (https://go.botmaker.com/#/bots):
    • When the chatbot is set to respond using a Knowledge Base, the total words are calculated by adding the following: words from the user's message, words from the last 3 messages considered as context, words from the relevant section or part of the Knowledge Base, words from generative intelligence instructions (prompt), and resulting words from the response.

    • If the bot branches you created include a "Respond with Chat GPT" button, we use Chat GPT again to respond to user questions. The cost is calculated in the same way as detailed above.
  • Re-training phase (https://go.botmaker.com/#/knowledgeBase) - Retraining button:
    • If you want to reprocess a website and the site has changed since the first time you uploaded it, AI tools will be used again. The web page processor will make every effort to avoid reprocessing parts of the site that have not been changed and therefore will not generate significant costs if there are minor changes.

With the Knowledge Base, you can optimize the efficiency and accuracy of your chatbots in customer service. By allowing the upload of large amounts of content in various formats, a higher level of understanding and knowledge of relevant topics can be achieved. Additionally, agents can also use this Knowledge Base to provide more precise and appropriate responses to customers. Implementing a Knowledge Base can lead to a significant improvement in service quality and process efficiency.

Remember to visit our Help Center for more information.

Written By: Botmaker Team
Updated: 07/08/2023