Updated: 8/8/2024

[POST] /metrics/v2/download

[POST] /metrics/v2/download

Note: This API is deprecated and no longer supported. While it is still active, we strongly recommend using the API.List Sessions endpoint available in the Botmaker v2.0 documentation to retrieve the same session data.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute


This service is used to download sessions and all related information. Each call to this service returns a maximum of 200 records and a page-token (with a lifespan of 1 day), which will be used in the endpoint: /download-page.

Important: Data is only sent once per day.


  • fromDate: Date in ISO format, used as the starting point for returning records. The ISO format will leave the date in the following template: 2024-02-14T07:00:00.000Z

CURL Example:

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'access-token: <ACCESS-TOKEN> 'https://go.botmaker.com/api/v1.0/metrics/v2/download?fromDate=2021-01-21T12%3A33%3A48'

Response Structure:

  • hasMore [boolean]: Check for more data (true).
  • pageToken [string]: Page token ("48e2413a-0ef7-447a-b29f-4f3e59a8b546").
  • note [string]: Note ("Retrieving the data will take a little bit… Please use the 'pageToken' in the endpoint '/download-page' to get the results.").
  • dateFrom [string]: Date in ISO format ("2021-01-21T12:33:48Z").

Example JSON:

{"hasMore":true,"pageToken":"48e2413a-0ef7-447a-b29f-4f3e59a8b546","note":"Retrieving the data will take a little bit... Please use the 'pageToken' in the endpoint '/download-page' to get the results.","dateFrom":"2021-01-21T12:33:48Z"}

Written By: Botmaker Team

Updated: 07/08/2024