Updated: 8/8/2024

How to access the Botmaker API for WhatsApp?

In this article, you will get information about how to access the Botmaker API for WhatsApp.

Here you will learn how to use the Botmaker API to activate WhatsApp notifications through an integration.

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

How to Obtain Credentials to Access the API?

If you don't have Botmaker API credentials for your project, you need to obtain an access token by following these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Botmaker API.
  2. Generate new credentials or use existing ones.
  3. Enter the access token in the header of your HTTP request.

When you click on "Botmaker API Docs," you will be redirected to the Botmaker API Swagger to explore and test all API modules.

WhatsApp Message Templates

WhatsApp allows businesses to send messages up to 24 hours after the user's last message. Outside this window, businesses need to use message templates to resume conversations. To submit new templates for approval, go to Menu > Notifications Engine > Templates. You can create them by clicking "+" at the top of the screen..

For detailed information on creating WhatsApp templates, refer to our related article "How to Create WhatsApp Templates via Notifications Engine?"

Once the template is approved (you can check this in Menu > Notifications Engine > Templates), you can activate this template via the API.

Sending Templates Using the Botmaker API intent/v2

API Fields

  • chatPlatform:Always "WhatsApp".
  • chatChannelNumber: Your company's WhatsApp number from which the notification originated.
  • platformContactId: The recipient's WhatsApp number (include country and area codes).
  • ruleNameOrId: The name of your template.
  • parámetros: Variables in your template.

Example call

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'access-token: token' -d '{ \ 

   "chatPlatform": "whatsapp", \ 

   "chatChannelNumber": "551132303506", \ 

   "platformContactId": "5511983812119", \ 

   "ruleNameOrId": "confirmacao_pedido", \ 

   "clientPayload": "string", \ 

   "params": {"nome":"Gabriel", "nroPedido":"11234", "totalPedido":"R$ 404,00", "nroBoleto":"1232131232131"} \ 

 }' 'https://go.botmaker.com/api/v1.0/intent/v2'

If your template includes a multimedia header, add the following parameters under Parameters.

  • Document
    • headerDocumentUrl: Public URL where your document is hosted.
    • headerDocumentCaption: Name of the document presented to the user.
  • Image
    • headerImageUrl: Public URL where your image is hosted.
  • Video
    • headerImageUrl: Public URL where your video is hosted. Note: WhatsApp imposes a 16 MB limit on video size.

Written By: Botmaker Team

Updated: 07/08/2024