eventUpdated: 8/8/2024
[GET] /waTemplates/{name}
[GET] /waTemplates/{name}
Use this service to retrieve the selected template.
CURL Example:
curl --location --request GET 'go.botmaker.com/api/v1.0/waTemplates/{TEMPLATE_NAME}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'access-token: ACCESS-TOKEN' \
--data-raw '
Response Structure:
- waTemplates [array] List containing the templates.
- requesterEmail [string] User who uploaded the template.
- buttons [array] List of WhatsApp buttons.
- notes [array] List of notes, uploaded by the user or platform in case of errors.
- optInImage [string] URL of the opt-in image.
- locale [string] Language of the template.
- content [string] Body or content of the template.
- mediaHeaderType [string] Type of header, can be null, text, or file (image, video, document).
- mediaHeaderText [string] Text to be displayed if the header is text.
- mediaFooterText [string] Text to be displayed at the footer of the template.
- name [string] Name of the template.
- state[string] State of the template at the time of query.
- category [string] Category of the template.
JSON Example:
"requesterEmail": "test@botmaker.io",
"buttons": [],
"notes": [
"author": "botmaker",
"message": "invalid_format"
"optInImage": "https://storage.googleapis.com/m-infra.appspot.com/public/res/SoporteBotmaker/20210818-hnFCAbAtiaVneNafwub7cBZaFPS2-UUHZ3-.png",
"locale": "es_AR",
"content": "Hola, gracias por todo",
"mediaHeaderText": "",
"mediaFooterText": "",
"name": "test_media_img",
"state": "REJECTED",
"mediaHeaderType": "image",
"category": "Account Update"
Written By: Botmaker Team
Updated: 07/08/2024