In this article, you will learn how to assign a service queue and an agent role within the platform.
To understand how to assign a queue and role to operators, you can watch the video or follow the step-by-step guide below: Video: Inserting
Assistant Information:
There are four default roles:
Additional Settings:
Additional information that can be sent via JSON, typically through the Botmaker API.
After creating the desired queues (departments) and assigning the responsible operators, you need to create an action in the bot flow that will direct the client to these queues.
Attention: To direct clients to a queue only during opening hours, you must create a specific condition in the bot flow. Read more about this below.
To better understand how to structure the intent that will redirect the client to a queue, you can watch the video or follow the step-by-step guide below:
Video: Service
Observation: If you want to disable the bot after directing the client to human support, add a "Mute chatbot" action after the agent assignment action.
Correct sequence of actions:
Observation: For each desired direction, this sequence of actions must be created. That is, if I want to transfer the client to Queue A, I create the queue definition action and select Queue A. If I want to send them to Queue B, I create the queue definition action and select Queue B.
Now, all clients passing through this point in your flowchart will be directed to the configured service queue.
Within the assistant's actions, you can define specific agents to handle conversations. This type of assignment is recommended for specialists, for example, when it's necessary to direct the user to the correct customer service agent. Follow these steps:
The opening hours should be formatted in the manual chat configuration area.
Scroll down and locate the opening hours configuration screen. There you can enter general opening hours or create new opening hours if necessary. Enter the service hours and days of operation. You can include days, such as holidays, where there will be no business hours even within the regular opening hours.
Now you can set up the service flow to execute a specific process if the client accesses your queue outside of specified times.
To better understand this setup, you can watch the video or follow the step-by-step guide below:
If you create a specific opening hour schedule, the variable to validate will be the name of the opening hours schedule you created. In this example, we created the "test" schedule.
Step 4 - Define which path the agent should follow based on the validation performed. In this example, we are validating if the time is true. If the time is true, we allow the agent to enter the service queue. If the time is false, we will not allow them to continue in the flow towards the service queue.
During a conversation with a human agent, you can set a wait time for responses from either the user or the agent, and choose an intent to execute when the specified time is reached. Follow the steps below to configure it:
Step 1: Go to Menu > Settings > Manual Chat.
Step 2: Navigate to the service queues screen and choose which queue you want to configure the wait time for: user and/or agent. In the following image, you can see that a 60-second wait time was set for the agent and a 30-second wait time for the user in the service queue.
"Service Rating" and "Educational Assistant". Remember, after adjusting the desired times, click on Save!
Step 3: On the following screen, choose the intent you want to execute when the wait times are reached. The first option is for the agent's wait time and the second option is for the user's wait time.
Done! The wait time has now been configured.
When a customer is directed to a service queue, they may go through different states. To enhance your agents' experience, we have created predefined intents that you can use in the following situations:
Within the agent flow, you will find an intent called "User starts waiting for agent." In this flow, you can define a response that will be sent to the user in this situation.
Within the agent flow, you will find an intent called "User has been assigned to agent." In this flow, you can define a response that will be sent to the user in this situation.
In this example text, you can use the variable that stores the assistant's alias/nickname to create a personalized response.
Within the agent flow, you will find an intent called "User did not find any agent." In this flow, you can define a response that will be sent to the user in this situation.
See the example below:
Within the agent actions, it is possible to define an action to unassign agents from conversations. Follow the example below if you wish to make this configuration.
Remember to visit our Help Center for more information.
Written by: Botmaker Team
Updated: 07/03/2024