In this article, you will get more information about what a service queue is and how to configure it on the Botmaker platform.
In this article, you will learn how to create different conversational flows based on the channel through which the end user communicates with the bot. You can define unique experiences for each channel, such as having a special flow for WhatsApp and another for Web, or for two different WhatsApp numbers, all within the same platform.
Certain specific channels may not support some Botmaker functionalities. For instance, WhatsApp does not support the "Carousel" functionality, whereas Messenger, Instagram, and Webchat do. Therefore, within the platform, you can create specific flows for each channel without needing to create separate bots.
The variable name is ${chatPlatform}, which stores the channel where the user is interacting with the bot. With this variable, you can define different responses for the user based on the channel, creating entirely different experiences for each.
Here's an example in Bot Designer:
This allows you to create a unique conversational experience tailored to a specific channel.
Here's another example in Bot 1.0:
2- Similar to Bot Designer, select the ${chatPlatform} variable and specify the channel where you want to develop the flow.
This approach enables you to define different conversational experiences within the same bot for different channels.
Written by: Botmaker Team
Updated: 07/04/2024