eventUpdated: 10/28/2024
Main variables
In this article, we present the variables we use on the platform with a brief explanation of each one.
In this article, we present the variables we use on the platform with a brief explanation of each one.
Estimated reading: 08 minutes
Access the list of main variables, complementary variables, and those available on the platform to be used according to your needs.
Main Variables:
- chatPlatform: the platform where the conversation is taking place. It can be "messenger," "webchat," "skype," etc
- isOpenNow: with true or false values, indicates whether the bot will respond during the service hours or not.
- isSubscribed: with true or false values, indicates whether the user is subscribed to receive notifications.
- isWebChatMobile: indicates whether the user is chatting through WebChat via a mobile device.
- lastBotSentence: last message from the bot.
- lastSeen: last time the user was seen.
- lastUserSentence: last message from the user.
- operatorConnectedQty: quantity of connected agents.
- ruleCountInSession: number of intents executed in the session.
- thisWasLastIntentToRun: indicates the last intent that was executed.
Other predefined variables:
- agentSpoke: the agent spoke.
- agentSpokeLast: the last speaker was the agent.
- audioURL: URL of an audio.
- channelDisplayName: channel name.
- chatChannelId: channel ID.
- country: user's country.
- currentDay: current day.
- currentHourMinutes: current hour and minutes.
- currentMonth: current month.
- currentYear: current year.
- customerId: user ID. Varies according to the channel.
- dayForBusiness: day of the week for the project.
- dayForUser: day of the week for the user (if writing from a place with a different time zone).
- fileURL: URL of a file.
- firstName: user's first name.
- fullName: user's full name.
- gender: user's gender (values: male or female).
- queueID: queue ID for service.
- imageURL: URL of an image.
- ipAddress: current IP address.
- lastAgentToSpeak: when the operator was the last to speak.
- lastIntentID: ID of the last intent activated during the conversation.
- lastName: user's last name.
- lastUserMessageID: ID of the user's last message.
- messengerReferral: messenger reference.
- operatorID: agent ID.
- operatorName: agent name.
- operatorQueueQty: quantity of agents in the service queue.
- platformContactId: user ID on the channel. Alphanumeric set representing the client exclusively, in the context of a single bot. Except for WhatsApp, where it is the client's WhatsApp line.
- queuePriority: priority in the service queue.
- random: random number between 0 and 1.
- videoURL: URL of a video.
- webChatHostPageTittle: title of the current web page where the webchat is taking place (basically the name of the browser tab).
Other platform variables
- EUPrivacyAffected: Affected by the European Union Privacy Policy
- actionCallerOperatorId: Agent who triggered the intent
- appleSessionStartGroup: Group referenced by Apple
- appleSessionStartIntent: Intent referenced by Apple
- attachments: URLs of attached files
- botId: ID of the virtual agent
- botmakerEnvironment: Intent environment
- botmakerNotes: Notes
- businessAddress: User's address
- businessId: Project ID
- businessName: Project name
- businessPhone: Phone
- channelWebId: Webchat ID
- countryState: User's state or province
- currentBotId: Current bot ID
- currentCodeAction: Current code action
- currentTopicName: Current name
- dau: Daily active user
- encryptionConfig: Encryption ID
- facebookPSID: Facebook page scope ID
- firstTimeUser: User's first session
- isSendingPush: Response triggered by a push
- lang: Project language
- lastIntentName: Name of the last running intent
- lastLockTime: Date of the last assignment
- lastMessageISOTime: Date of the previous message
- lastOperatorMessageISOTime: Date of the last operator message
- lastRuleBuilder: ID of the last intent
- lastRuleItemId: ID of the last intent action
- lastRuleQuestionIdFailed: ID of the last failed question
- lastUserImageSentUrl: URL of the last image sent by the user
- lastUserMessageISOTime: Date of the last user message
- locale: User's language
- mau: Monthly active user
- messageDate: Message date
- messageTimeBusiness: Message time for the project
- messageTimeUser: Message time for the user
- messagesToUserAreBlocked: User does not wish to receive messages
- messengerAdId: Messenger advertising ID
- messengerLastCommentId: ID of the last comment
- messengerSource: Messenger reference source
- messengerType: Messenger reference type
- mostRecentOperatorID: ID of the most recent agent
- nps: NPS (Net Promoter Score)
- operatorAlias: Assigned agent alias
- operatorDefinedValue: Additional agent information
- operatorEmail: Agent's email
- operatorGroups: Agent's groups
- operatorId: Agent ID
- originalSubject: Original email subject
- paymentOrderId: Payment order ID
- phoneCity: Phone city
- previousUserSentence: Previous user message
- queueID: Service queue ID
- realWhatsAppId: User's WhatsApp ID
- respondingToUserMessage: Triggered by a user message
- ruleRunInSession: The intent was executed in the session
- scheduledRule: Scheduled intent ID
- scheduledRuleTime: Scheduled intent date
- timesOnlineToday: Times online today
- title: Email title
- todayOpenHours: Today's opening hours
- typification: Types
- userHasTalked: User has spoken
- userIdOnBusiness: Custom user ID
- wau: Weekly active user
- webChatCountry: Country according to current IP
- webChatHostDomain: Current page domain
- webChatHostHREF: Current HREF
- webChatHostReferrer: Current referral
- webChatHostURI: Current URI
- webChatHostURL: Current URL
- webId: Webchat ID
- zip: User's ZIP code
- beforeLastIntentId: ID of the penultimate intent
Visite nosso Centro de Suporte para mais informações.
Written by Botmaker Support
Updated: 03/22/2024