Updated: 8/9/2024

What are the categories of templates?

In this article you will get information about the allowed categories of templates, as well as some examples of rejected and approved templates.

In this article you will get information about the allowed template categories and also some examples of rejected and approved templates.

Estimated reading time: 08 minutes

Allowed Categories

WhatsApp protects its users against SPAM practices. They can contact you for any reason, but if you contact them, it must be for one of the approved reasons. The categories are listed below, along with some usage examples.

  1. Marketing Templates: Allow businesses to achieve a wide variety of objectives, from generating awareness to driving sales, among others.
    • Awareness
    • Sales
    • New segmentation
    • App promotion
    • Building customer relationships

  1. Utility Templates: Utility templates are typically triggered by a user's action or request. They must include specific data about the active or ongoing transaction, account, subscription, or interaction they relate to.
    • Managing WhatsApp message subscriptions
    • Managing orders
    • Account alerts or updates
    • Feedback surveys
    • Continuing a conversation on WhatsApp

  1. Authentication Templates: Authentication templates allow businesses to authenticate users with one-time access codes (typically alphanumeric codes of four to eight digits).
    • Authentication code

template Status

Based on the category validation result and template review, the template status value is set to one of the following:

  • APPROVED: The template has passed the review and is approved for sending as template messages.
  • PENDING: The template has passed category validation and is undergoing review.
  • REJECTED: The template did not pass category validation or review.

Reasons for Template Rejection

If your template is rejected, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

Sending surveys or data collection surveys:

  • "Hello, we're interested in knowing how you feel about some food groups. Would you mind participating in a survey?"
  • Including certain words or phrases that constitute promotional content. Even if the content is appropriate, they will affect its rejection.

Tip: Consider how the message will sound when read aloud.

Templates with Invalid Format:

Templates with floating parameters will not be approved, meaning lines with variables only and without text. Please wrap the parameters with information to clarify their use. See the example of floating parameters, indicated as {{3}} and {{4}}.



Invoice number: {{1}}

Passenger name: {{2}}


{{3}} - {{4}}


  • Templates with shortened links, such as bit.ly and tinyurl, will not be approved.
  • Templates with grammatical errors will be rejected.
  • Variables must always start with lowercase letters.

Example of syntax error in variable (invalid format)

Templates with Valid Format (examples)

The examples below show the valid format that templates with variables must have to be accepted.

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Remember to visit our Help Center for more information.

Written by: Botmaker Team

Updated: 07/05/2024